Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Final Day

When the phone rang,
we knew it was trouble. 
Tearing up before my dad hung up, 
The day was eminent.
"Less than a day" he sighed.
Our vision was obscured from the tears, 
and we could not believe our ears. 
It was the last day for our mom. 
I never thought the day would come,
I had hoped and prayed to no avail.
Then my dad asked a simple question,
"Do you want to come with me?"
Never before have I faced a tougher decision,
After much deliberation, we both replied no.
At the time, I thought I was abandoning her, 
but I could not bear to observe her in that much pain.
Looking back now, I know I made the right choice.
The memory of her in her final moments would have been too much.
I love you mom and always will.

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